Marino Law | Gold Coast Law Firm
Commercial & Business Law
How can a Restraint of Trade Clause affect your business?

How can a Restraint of Trade Clause affect your business?

Restraint of trade clauses are prevalent in all industries throughout Australia and the majority of Australians ...
Crowd Source Funding in Australia

Crowd Source Funding in Australia

A Brief History of Crowdfunding Crowdfunding, a method of fundraising by collecting many small contributions from ...
GST Withholding obligations for certain residential property transactions

GST Withholding obligations for certain residential property transactions

With the arrival of the 2017/2018 Federal Budget, the Australian Government announced a new GST withholding regime ...
Legal considerations when starting a business

Legal considerations when starting a business

Starting a new business venture can be a daunting prospect especially for first time entrepreneurs. There are a ...
Vulnerable Workers Bill Passed by Parliament

Vulnerable Workers Bill Passed by Parliament

Following on from our recent article titled ‘Vulnerable Workers Bill Passed by Senate’, this week the Australian ...
Vulnerable Workers Bill Passed by Senate

Vulnerable Workers Bill Passed by Senate

Further to our recent article titled ‘Amendments proposed to the Vulnerable Workers Bill’, the Australian Senate ...
Commercial and Retail Lease Incentives Fitout Contributions and Consequences for Poor Implementation on Lease Commencement

Commercial and Retail Lease Incentives Fitout Contributions and Consequences for Poor Implementation on Lease Commencement

Lease incentives provide a mutual benefit to both parties to a Lease. From a Landlord’s perspective, advertising ...
Amendments Proposed to the Vulnerable Workers Bill

Amendments Proposed to the Vulnerable Workers Bill

Further to our article titled ‘Under New Legislation, Franchisors could be liable for Franchisees’ breaches of the ...
Subway Worker Allegedly Underpaid $16,000

Subway Worker Allegedly Underpaid $16,000

According to a recent article, The Australian Franchising Industry continues to be under fire following the Fair ...
Under new legislation, franchisors could be liable for franchisees’ breaches of the Fair Work Act

Under new legislation, franchisors could be liable for franchisees’ breaches of the Fair Work Act

On 1 March 2017, the Federal Government introduced new legislation into the House of Representatives that will ...
How Employees and Their Entitlements are Dealt With Upon the Sale of a Business

How Employees and Their Entitlements are Dealt With Upon the Sale of a Business

An issue that often arises between the Buyer and the Seller of a business is how to deal with not only the ...
Marino Law Promotes Promising Talent

Marino Law Promotes Promising Talent

Gold Coast based law firm Marino Law has announced it has promoted property and commercial expert Andrew Taylor to ...
When am I bound by contract?

When am I bound by contract?

The quick paced environment that is the commercial and legal realm, has seen email rapidly surpass traditional ...

Data retention – What does it mean for you?

On 26 March 2015, new data retention laws were passed on the advice of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on ...
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